WWT prides ourselves on our committed to our comprehensive Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) Program in accordance with current legislation, regulations, industry standards, and best practices within the oil and gas industry.  

Protecting the health and safety of our employees, clients, and the public remains a top priority and
therefore our diligent management and competent staff live the elements of our HSE program every hour of every day. 

Our safety program meets the stringent compliance requirements of three major safety recognition organizations;
     •   We are COR-certified through Energy Safety Canada.
     •   We are a member in good standing with ISNetworld.
     •   We are a member in good standing with ComplyWorks.

We welcome invititations through both ISNetworld and ComplyWorks to be added to your company's preferred contractors list.

Contact:  Stacey Walker OHN(C), BScN RN